We are profoundly thankful to everyone who has helped us in our mission, and we would like to publicly express our gratitude here.
From individual volunteers to major donors, we would not be able to help others without your help!
Featured Sponsors
Heart of Hope Outreach Ministries wishes to express our sincere appreciation to these organizations for their financial support and grant awards:

The Rauch Family Foundation 1
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Heart of Hope Outreach is a recipient of a Google Grants award. The Google Grants program supports registered nonprofit organizations that share Google's philosophy of community service to help the world in areas such as science and technology, education, global public health, the environment, youth advocacy and the arts. Google Grants is an in-kind advertising program that awards free online advertising to nonprofits via Google AdWords.

Church Mission Support

Dillards, Northpark Mall, Davenport - who donated $10,000 in new clothing
- Wal-Mart, Silvis - who donated 100 little girl jogging suits
- Rock Island Public Library – Comforts Drive
In-Kind Donations

Riverbend Food Bank - the weekly donation of FREE food items distributed to area food pantries
Midwest Food Bank from Peoria - for their monthly donation of thousands of pounds of food
Hy-Vee Food Stores, Locust Street, Davenport, IA - for their weekly donations of hundreds of bread and pastry items
Little Caesars Pizza, Rock Island, IL - for their weekly donation of pizzas to our food pantry
Food Pantry Donations
2022 Grants
UnityPoint Health Trinity - Partnership Award
Gifts in 2021
Doris & Victor Day Foundation - $5,000 Grant
Rauch Family Foundation - $2,000
Rock Island Community Foundation - $1,000
Quad Cities Plus 60 Club - $2,500 Grant Award
MidAmerican Energy Foundation - $250
BNAI Congregation Temple Emanuel - $250
UnityPoint Health Rock Island - $2,000
Bettendorf Rotary Club - $2,500
United Way Strategic Investment Grant Award - $11,250
Gifts in 2020
Heidi Huiskamp-Collins - $40,000 donation of stock to purchase 2021 Giving Hope Truck
- Unity Point Health has awarded a grant for our food pantry to purchase fresh, healthy produce for our clients - $2,500
Rock Island Rotary Club donated money to be spent on laundry detergent and cleaning supplies for the elderly and disabled - $3,000
Doris & Victor Day Foundation - $5,000
QC Community Foundation for Disaster Recovery Relief - $5,000
City of Rock Island CDBG - CV Public Service Emergency Stabilization Grant - $2,500
The Amy Helpenstell Foundation - $40,000 over a 2-year period
Church Mission Support provided by the Word of Life Church, Calvary Church of the Quad Cities, and New Hope MGT Church
Rauch Family Foundation 1 - $2,500
The Progressive Action for the Common Good (PACG) - $5,000
Royal Neighbors of America - $1,000 matching grant for our Trivia Night, $700 quarterly, and a $4,000 grant
The Moline Foundation - $3,500 Grant Award
Riverbend Food Bank - $10,000 Grant Award
Quad Cities Plus 60 Club - $2,500 Grant Award
Greg and Jo Conroy, in memory of Albert Leo Romaneski - $250 for our Giving Hope Truck Campaign
Gifts in 2019
Unity Point Health has awarded a grant for our food pantry to purchase fresh, healthy produce for our clients - $2,500
Bettendorf Rotary Club for our Food Pantry Support - $750
Rock Island Township for Food Pantry Support - $500
Doris & Victor Day Foundation - Outreach Program Support - $5,000
Rock Island Community Foundation - Youth Outreach Educational & Recreational Support - $1,000
Monthly Mission Partner - Word of Life Church
Royal Neighbors of America - Quarterly Chapter Support
Food Pantry Support - $600
Matching Grant Award for Trivia Night Fundraiser - $1,000
Rauch Family Foundation 1 - $2,500
The Hubbell Waterman Family Foundation - $5,000